Friday, 22 May 2015

God fearing Boss fearing little people
Morality shirking moral-policing loving
Vacuity thriving loudness loving
Loud spreadlegged versions of righteousness
Perenially skewed wrong versions of righteousness 
I rejoice in your love.
Revel in it.
Disagreements, occasional stray discordant strains
pass me by
without denting the sunshine in my head
I live in a discrete stratospheric space
Where every colour every sound
occurs because of you
Where the colour of your eyes
dictates those of the rainboow

Thursday, 21 May 2015

A child of whim,
I loved you in every possible pathetic way
Yearned for every smile of yours
Your fingers left untold stories on my body
wherever they touched
My ink my water
My veins are blue for the lack of you
My eyes seek yours feverishly
Those eyes of yours that whisper
the secrets of the universe
Fat men
Thin men
Black men
Yellow men
Men that are brown
all move in little bunches
never without

I have to find out your age
The name of your god
If it's the same as mine
Then maybe we can bond

We will make tiny nations
Miniscule atomic groups
And get vexed at the sight of the rest
March on them with our troops

I will love my brown brother more
With each passing day
And deride the white mother
Come whatever may

I will bask in the sunshine
of my orthodox sister's love
And not bother if the liberal siblings next door
literally starve

I will love in my image
Because god made me in his
My leader will be my oracle
All other utterances will be lies that is

I hope you get that I say this in jest
Homogeneity isn't my mojo
Doesn't burn in my breast

Blessed are those
who can elude this trap
Free as birds they live
and hey this is a wrap


I would rather die than be the
Tumult in your life
I am possessive of my devil's grains
That which have the power
To cloud over universes
I bled at your doorstep
Your wife had answered the door
I looked at her face
and stared at the brown pools
you had so often talked about.
Her mouth her bare leg
reminiscent of your accounts of her.

The last summer I spent with you,
talking and breathing in
the heady scent of the mango blossoms,
we spoke of joy and separation
in one breath.
I remember touching your light
nicotine stained fingers
and feeling just that.
Joy and separation.

Idly wondering what the creature
you were marrying was like
I would ply you with questions
So that soon it became
a pressing urge for me,
and soon I had an entire
mental dossier on her.

She was the stranger
I intimately knew.

As the years rolled by
you grew on me
like an idea I was infected with.
I became an editor (yay)
of a thoroughbred journal
had an offhand affair or two
but you continued to breed within

Until one day I knew
I had to see you
Platonically of course
or so I thought

One look at your home
one glimpse of your wife
and I was robbed of any such notion.
My palms got clammy cold
I bit my tongue
and tasted warm salty blood
The day closed in upon me.

I ran for dear life.
Goodbye dear lover
you are too much of a storm for me.

Jealousies and torments
brought about by your airy ways
You blow a bubble
it turns into a knife
twists into my heart
A drop of blood stains my breast
Your brow remains unfurrowed

Monday, 11 May 2015

When you are a fledgling bird with someone,
the sudden withdrawal must hurt deep.
When you are taught to trust someone's presence
and you open your wellsprings to them,
a sudden removal must pierce deep.
You free child
You who loves with stubbornness
with clenched fists
with a buzzing in your ears
When you were unceremoniously dropped into the water
it must have hurt
I see your eyes
And lead you home.
To me.